Sponsor A Child
Thank you for your support!
We ask sponsors to provide new clothing items and gifts for each pre-teen child, guided by lists compiled by the children’s families. Most sponsors spend $125 to $150 per child. For school-aged teens, we request gift cards of $150 per child, enabling teens to choose exactly what they want.
Every sponsor will receive an email acknowledging their interest. Those who sign up early will receive a further email by mid-November with details of the child/ren assigned to them along with the suggested gift lists and full instructions for delivery. Sponsors who sign up in November will be assigned their child/ren on a rolling basis as a match becomes available.
Sponsors will be asked to deliver all gift items to a central location in the first week of December. Details will be included in the emailed information.
Questions? Please contact HNHBH by email at info@holidaybasketsvt.org.